Hello World!

Welcome to my corner of the web.  Over the coming months, I plan to write on a variety of technical topics from computer security, to “how to” tips, to reviews of products and services.

My goal is to present technical topics in layman’s terms – language that your mother-in-law can understand. If an entry is too technical, too basic or completely misses the point, feel free to comment on the post or shoot me an email, and I will do my best to fix things.

I’ve never been accused of being a good writer, so please bear with me.  I have a tendency to ramble on in a stream of consciousness and veer off topic.  I also commit the occasional never-ending sentence and overuse certain words like “occasional”. A buddy of mine who is a journalist, newspaper editor and sometimes novelist once told me the way to become a better writer is simply to write.  So in the same manner that some train for a marathon, I will strive to become a better blogger.

I will admit to a couple of biases in advance.  First off, I love free stuff. I will frequently review and promote free/open source alternatives to the software that you’ve paid tons of money for over the years.  This includes office suites, antivirus & security software, photo organizers and even operating systems.  I will also talk about how to save money on hardware.  Your wireless router got blown out by a thunderstorm recently?  I can help you replace it for about 1/3 of what you paid for your last one. Don’t want to buy a brand new computer for the kids to surf the web, check/send email, play games and compose theme papers?  I will show you ways to recycle that old Windows 2000 machine to serve all their needs – securely and reliably.

My second bias is all things Google.  I’m a major fan and promoter of many of their products, from the Chrome browser to Gmail/Google Apps to Picasa photo software. So expect a lot of love for Google. I’ve even had clients accuse me of being on Google’s payroll (I wish!)

I hope to inform and entertain you along the way.  My best days in this business are when I sit down with a frustrated user at his/her wit’s end with a tech problem.  After listening to their complaints and concerns and showing them a solution that makes life easier, the ensuing “Ah Ha!” or “Yahoo!” moment is pretty magical. I never get tired of helping folks work through life’s technical annoyances.

So if you have questions, are running into roadblocks or simply want to tell me this blog stinks, please feel free to post a comment here or on my Facebook page or shoot me an email. I promise to address your questions as quickly as possible or let you know that it requires additional research. If we need to meet face-to-face or I need some desktop time,   we can arrange that as well.

Thanks again for dropping by. I hope we can learn something here, save some time and maybe even save some money.


About the Company

While Partner Technology Solutions (“Partner Techs”) was founded in 2011, it is backed by over 2 decades of experience in all things techie, from securing your wireless network to selecting, connecting and using that new Android phone or tablet, Blue Ray Player or UltraBook laptop. If we cannot help you solve a problem, we have created strategic alliances with database administrators, programmers, web developers, CPAs and other partners with whom we like to work.


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